Wednesday 12 February 2014

Natural ayurvedic treatment for allergies

An allergy is basically considered a disorder in the immune system. It occurs when person’s immune system even reacts to the harmless substance in the environment. This overaggressive response is trigged by ingesting any kind of food, inhaling a pollen or dander present in the air. Allergies are also divided into certain categories. They are food allergies which can subdivided as milk allergy, nut allergy, egg allergy, wheat allergy the reaction can be immediate vomiting or wheezing, one can also from fish allergy, shellfish allergy.

Like food, people also suffer from seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies come with the changes in the seasons. They are divided as summer allergies, winter allergies, fall allergies, spring allergies. In spring as the flowers starts to bloom and the pollen gets airborne, people can start sneezing or sniffing by coming in contact with such materials. Likewise, one can also fall prey to fall allergies and winter allergies. Since these allergies are irritating and can be troublesome at times most people opt for allopathic treatment for getting of such allergies temporarily. People who are suffering from asthma suffer a lot of problem during seasonal changes if they are allergic. Allopathic medicine intake causes certain kinds of side effects. One can actually get cured from seasonal allergies in a natural way by simply following some few steps:

1.    Intake of honey is considered the best immunotherapy for various kinds of diseases. Tiny doses of honey can actually help you to reduce sensitivity.

2.    Go for herbal medicines: Herbal medicine rarely have any side effects if taken properly as suggested by the doctors. But one should also be careful while opting for herbal medicines. If you are taking medicines from any where there are chances that these medicines will be full of impurities that are why it is highly recommended to opt for high quality herbal brands. Even though you are opting for herbal medicines, always consult the doctor before use.

     Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum):  It helps to reduce allergic inflammatory or histaminic reactions and also supports liver function.
     Yarrow (Achillea millefolium):  It reduces congestions and secretions.
     Red Clover (Trifolium pretense): It builds body resistance to allergies.
    Eyebright (Euphrasia Officinalis): It is good for the itchy eyes, sneezing or excess mucus
3.    Sometimes dietary changes can also be a solution to the allergy problem. Although the allergens are external but it totally depends on our body as how it reacts to such allergens. This will eventually help for your immune system to be hyper wired to react to external allergens.

You can get rid the allergy naturally by just following the above tips. For more information, visit the website
Planet Ayurveda Recommend The Following Combo Pack for The Treatment of Allergy Naturally:
Aller-G care Curcumin Tulsi Praanrakshak
$ 22.95 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 24.95
1 Pack (200 Grams) 2 Bottles 2 Bottles 1 Pack (100 Grams)
Total price = $ 132.85
Total price after discount = $ 106.00

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Product Dosage
Aller-G care 1 -2 capsules twice daily after meal
Curcumin 2 capsules twice  daily  with plain water after meal
Tulsi 1 - 2 teaspoon twice daily with plain water after meals
Praanrakshak 1 - 2 teaspoon thrice daily with plain water after meals